Vodafone Giants

Giants Gaming, formerly known as Vodafone Giants, is one of Spain's largest esports organisations, competing in popular games like League of Legends, Counter Strike, Valorant, and Rainbow Six: Siege.

As part of a job application task, I took it upon myself to create some concepts for Giants Gaming's Twitter page, which is their primary advertising platform. Additionally, I developed concepts for new jerseys and merchandise. Although I was unsuccessful in the hiring process, I received great praise from the social media team. Here's a glimpse of what I created for Giants Gaming.

Since my job application, Giants Gaming has undergone a rebranding and discontinued its partnership with Vodafone. The organisation has continued to grow and compete in various esports titles, making a name for itself on the international stage. I am proud to have created concepts for such a prominent organisation in the esports industry, and I remain dedicated to improving my skills and contributing to the world of gaming and esports.

Social Media


Claremont Group Interiors


XTC Esports